Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Enhanced Document workflow approval v2

The purpose of the article

Demonstrating these extra features

• Moving all interfaces in 1 assembly and all other projects will reference this assembly.

• Registering the services "out of the box and custom services" in application configuration file for better maintenance.

• Using "out of the box" system diagnostics LogToFile utility .

• Using "out of the box" WorkflowCommitBatchService, internally with using TransactionScopeActivity

and preparing our document service to work with batches and transactions.

• Using Fault Handler Activities to handle workflow internal errors.

• Bi-Directional communication, workflow with the host, through the custom service.

• Using "out of the box" SqlTrackingService, for tracking the workflow

• Using SqlTrackingService utility for query the tracked workflow.

If you did not read, the first article Document approval workflow system

I encourage you to read the article, and to run it, because this article is enhanced version for better design,

and for more workflow services.

Enjoy the full article



ega said...

I am investigating web-based document approval workflows. I downloaded your enhanced c# workflow demo to learn about a .NET approach to this application. Visual C# 2005 is complaining that the csproj type is not supported. Any idea on what the problem may be?

Unknown said...

I tried to run the program. However, I am getting an error saying stored procedure "RetrieveNonblockingInstanceStateIds" not found. Could you please share that with me.